"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."- Marilyn Monroe

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'm thinking about you. . .

      You ask me sometimes what I'm thinking about, and usually I say nothing, but today I'm gonna tell you the truth! The truth is. . . .  I'm thinking about you babe. . . I'm thinking about you like the clouds think about rain, and cuts think about pain.
       I'm thinking about you like burgers think about shakes, and birthdays think about cakes. 
       I'm thinking about you like trees think about their leaves, 
                               and like kids think about Santa on Christmas Eve. 
        I'm thinking about you like Cupid thinks about love, like lovers think about love.  I'm thinking about you like girls think about boys, like children think about toys, like a pregnant mother thinks about her child, like zoo animals think about the wild!! 
              I'm thinking about you like stairs think about a stepper, 
                                  like salt thinks about pepper, like popcorn thinks about butter, 
                                                  like cameras think about their shutter.  
I'm thinking about you like pimps think about ladies, and ladies think about prince charming, and Prince Charming thinks about his Princess, and I'm thinking about you how I think about nothing else in the world.  I'm just. . .
        thinking. . .
              about. . .
                     you. . . .


  1. i love when you talk about cupid and then lovers. simple with alot of meaning. its great

  2. "like cameras think about their shutter." Very original I like it. I love how you switched up the layout of the stuff.

  3. I really like the flow of the writing. It goes from one thing to the next without a huge jump. :D

  4. i liked your rhyming a lot and the layout of your text. made it interesting to read and look at!
